Friday, February 27, 2009

The Curious Case of................ A Homicide

This morning, when I was getting ready to drive to work, I was shocked!! A HOMICIDE in my house??? No!!!!!!!! I don't want my lovely-comfortable-safe-place-to-be turning into a crime scene!!

Bloody *doot*

No time to wonder, as I was quite running out of time (need to get to work =.=). So I quickly asked Brownnie and Lulu to get in the cage, I need to reverse my car. Lulu was like very reluctant to go into the cage (this is unusual).... Was like there was something really scary.. Then..... I found the murderer!! Police!!!! Beep beep!!

Na!! That's the corpse!! Together with the murderer!!

This *doot* *doot* *doot* Brownnie ( I don't know how to describe him).......... It must be him!! Lulu wouldn't do such kind of thing except Brownnie!! When I took this picture, he was still staring hard at his prey and making the 'grrrrr' noise....

Pity Lulu... was so scared...

I don't like mice, especially those running on the alley... AIKS!! And I don't really fond of cats. But now, keeping dogs, can keep mice away~~~~ Wee~~~~ I have a dog that catches mice!! Woohoo~~~ What made him so 'clever' in such a short time... as we all know, Brownnie is abit of 'retarded'?? LOL.

Let me think............. *tik tok *tik tok *tik tok.................................

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Must be that super power junk!! Just like Popeye eating spinach!!!! Haha!!

~~jiang jiang jiang~~

This smelled really good I tell you.... I nearly wanted to take a bite!! Smelled like 'ba gua' haha

Lulu trying to steal the aroma of the 'ba gua' lol *sniff sniff

Brownnie looking very sincere and silly as usual... haha

The mother and son came together asking for 'ba gua'

Lulu: I munch and I munch!!

Brownnie: What's this...??? It's tasty anyway.... uh-huh uh-huh~~

After a few seconds..........................................................................

Can we have more please???

Don't worry my love, no matter what you are, what you did, I still love you as always. I will only love you more but not love u less.... *muaks

--Jenn a.k.a. blueyfetes--
waiting for something


阿棗 陳 Zoe said...

luckily u din post a close up for the dead mice........

blueyfetes said...

I can send you the pic to let you see the dead mouse. hahahahaha